Sunday, June 17, 2007

Watermelon Fish in Toyokawa

This is a watermelon fish I discovered in the river in Toyokawa. They told me that it can be seen only in there once in a beautiful day. You can catch it if you are lucky..

Unfortunately, I wasn't lucky enough to catch it, but I got to eat a lot of food at the BBQ by the river with my favorite friends, Lacey and Chi-chan. Chi-chan joined us this morning and made our day!
Poor Chris had to stay at home because he was too sick to come. We missed him there. They play basketball with Chris in Japan. Everyone was so nice. We had a great time.

Lacey and Chris took me to the bowling last night. Believe it or not. ATTENTION! Ladies and gentlemen, especially people in Australia, I hereby declare that I had beaten Chris in the bowling game (^^). I think he was already not feeling well then though.. Lacey won the basketball game, Chris came second. I really think that Chris was already sick then. Chris won the air hooky.

I don't know what to say to express my feeling now. This weekend was so unusual and lovely that I will never forget. I can't believe Chris and Lacey are leaving Japan in 10 days for good.
It is hard to thank them enough for being special.


Caleb said...

BBQs and bowling... a nice weekend!

Oh, it is terrible when good friends move away. I have had to move several times, and I've had to make new friends again and again.

Go G! said...

Yes, I totally understand how you feel. Nice thing is that you have many places to visit in all over the world, right?

Tears said...

You look very happy.You have many good friends! All work and no play makes YOU a dull girl.

Go G! said...

Thank you for always being understandale. I am really really looking forward to going to a trip with you sometime.

PekiMama said...

How nice to have BBQ with a lot of friends!It's fun.Thank you for letting me know about MOMO-chan.I love Hana-pecha★so cute.22kilo!? How to hold her...PekiMama

Go G! said...

In deed! Momo-chan cannot be lifted by girls. That's what my friend said. His wife doesn't even try to hold her, and just drug her on the floor.. Isn't it cute, too?