Monday, June 30, 2008

Hotel Diocleziano

In my DREAM TRIP to Rome, I will be staying at the four star hotel, "Hotel Diocleziano" It costs 23,527 yen per night.
I will stay five nights so that $240 @ day times five equals......$1200!!
Oops! It's over my budget, isn't it??

I guess I will have to change my plan..

I will be back with my new idea.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

What a medal means to me

I am a member of the Ferris Golf Club as many of you already know.

Here is the medal I received for our third place award on the competition organized by the Kanto Student Golf Association we played last month.

It is just a piece of a metal, but it means a lot to me.
It will tell that I was here in Ferris in 2008 enjoyed myself not only studying at school but also club activities in the future.
When I entered Ferris last year, I never expected anything like having a lot of YOUNG friends, or participating club activities because of my age.
However, many of girls were so nice to me that I felt very comfortable spending time with them. As time went by, it became more natural for me to be with my friends on campus. That is one of the greatest thing I could not predict.
Sometimes, it is hard to maintain the balance of my time with school, work, and private time because there are a lot of thing I have to deal with. When I feel fatigue, I think about the summer break coming up in a month!
There are always hard time, and good time which gives us the award to praise us like a medal.

Monday, June 23, 2008

My Flight to Rome (My Dream Trip continued..)

1:20 pm Depart Tokyo (NRT)
Arrive Rome (FCO) 7:00 pm
Mon 1-Sep
Duration: 12hr 40mn
Alitalia Alitalia 785

Nonstop flight

Avobe is my Dream Trip's Flight Schedule :)!

The price for the round ticket is $1.796.

Because of my shoe string budget, which is $2.500, I decided to go on a "Y" class to Rome by direct flight by Alitalia Airline.

According to the "SKYTRAX", Alitalia is a three stars company.

For me, it is more important to go to my destination directly rather than making many stops on better class because it gives me more time to enjoy myself in the place I travel.

So, I will be at Rome on September 1st! Yes!!

More details of my trip is coming up soon!

I can't wait.. I am getting hungry for pasta!

Monday, June 16, 2008

My comment on "BUcket List" was published on the web.

Please take a moment to look it over if you have time.

I made a comment on the movie "Bucket List" to which is a movie site in the US.
Since it was an assignment to publish the comment on a movie we like in Caleb's Internet English Class, I decided to recommend to watch the movie to other people.

I feel like I have been writing so much about the movie.
Please do not get tired of it!



Sunday, June 15, 2008

My Dream trip

Here are the rough draft of my Dream trip:

Where am I going? Italy
Why?: Because I have never been there and I lOVE Italian food.
When?: Off season(I will figure out when the off season is later,) that I expect to get discounts.
With who?: With my close girl friends who have been to Italy before.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

One movie I definately want to see is Sex and the City. Here is some reviews:

brefane from United States : "Fans of the show will be happy to see the ladies from the HBO series unite once again, but really it would have been better for all concerned if they hadn't bothered because this plot less and pointless big screen rehash diminishes the series."

OuiOuiCloefrom United States : "I just came back from seeing the movie, and as an avid fan of the series, I was extremely happy with the film. I felt it did the show justice. However, I did have one problem that initially seemed minor, but on reflection, has made me quite angry. "

littleMoose209 from United States: "It was one of the worst films that I have ever had to sit through, and I rue the day I ever handed that kindly teller the cash to pay for our tickets."

liisatherockstar from United States:" Being a fan of the series for years, I had pretty high expectations for this film. I was not disappointed by what I saw, and most other SATC fans I've talked to agree with me. "

Based on the review, I still want to see the movie with less expectations. They says it is obviously worse than the TV show. However the fans still love the ladies. As a huge fan of the SATC, I think I will have to see it.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

My first poll

A millionaire (Jack Nicholson) and an auto mechanic, Carter Chambers (Morgan Freeman) happen to meet in a hospital room. Even though they have completely different backgrounds, they have one thing in common. They have only six months to one year to live due to terminal illnesses. They decide to leave from the hospital to live life to its fullest. They travel to carry out their "Bucket List". Are they going to find the best way to end their lives? A touching, and heart warming movie performed by legendary outstanding actors. The plot is partly unrealistic, but acceptable. I did enjoy this movie a lot. Starring Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman was a great success!