Sunday, June 8, 2008

One movie I definately want to see is Sex and the City. Here is some reviews:

brefane from United States : "Fans of the show will be happy to see the ladies from the HBO series unite once again, but really it would have been better for all concerned if they hadn't bothered because this plot less and pointless big screen rehash diminishes the series."

OuiOuiCloefrom United States : "I just came back from seeing the movie, and as an avid fan of the series, I was extremely happy with the film. I felt it did the show justice. However, I did have one problem that initially seemed minor, but on reflection, has made me quite angry. "

littleMoose209 from United States: "It was one of the worst films that I have ever had to sit through, and I rue the day I ever handed that kindly teller the cash to pay for our tickets."

liisatherockstar from United States:" Being a fan of the series for years, I had pretty high expectations for this film. I was not disappointed by what I saw, and most other SATC fans I've talked to agree with me. "

Based on the review, I still want to see the movie with less expectations. They says it is obviously worse than the TV show. However the fans still love the ladies. As a huge fan of the SATC, I think I will have to see it.

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