Monday, December 1, 2008

Pressure 2

Peer pressure is worries or difficulties that you have because you have too much to deal with. It is a feeling of obligation, especially teenagers have, to sympathize with your friends to avoid to be isolated from them. That is a passing phase of adolescence. In many cases, you feel peer pressure to do something against what adult people, including parents would disapprove.

In the movie "Finding Forrester", Jamal was hiding his books and memos in his school locker. He didn't want his friends to know that he was a book beater. He rather wanted them to know that he was a great basketball player. His attitude was carried out based on the peer pressure.

One of the reasons why teenagers feel peer pressure more than other people in different age group is that adolescence is vulnerable and sensitive age.
It is difficult for teenagers to recognize their own personality and quality because their sense of value can be changed every day. They are trying to search who they are and what they want to do with life.
They absorb knowledge in both good ways and bad ways.

In childhood, our parents are the first teachers in life.
They teach us everything,the rules, morality and common sense in general.

As we grow up, our community grows up, too.
You meet a lot of new friends at school and outside your home. You realize that the world is so broad that their parents can't be there to help you all the time.
The feedback your friends give you have a great influence on you.
You find your identity through your friends.

As we get older, we don't worry so much about what other people think about you.
You are settled and confident about yourself with your experiences.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


What is the difference between Social Pressure and Peer Pressure?

The biggest difference is what a person feels pressure from (of).

Social pressure seems to be based on general social morality while peer pressure is based on inner rules of his/her close friends.

For example, when a person feels pressure and couldn't refuse to take the dope, it is what you call “peer pressure”. In another case, when student athletes face pressure to win, from peers, parents and coaches, it can be peer pressure, too.

In the move “Finding Forrester” we saw in Yukari’s class, a guy named Jamal was hiding the fact he was reading many books and writing notes about the books in order to avoid to stand out. He was talking about basketball (they call it “the ball”) all the time with his friends or his mother because he wanted to be a part of his friends. His behavior has a lot to do with peer pressure.

Also, Jamal and other boys are wearing same kinds of outfits, hair styles. Without noticing or not, friends are getting similar because of peer pressure.

On the other hand, social pressure is more general.
One example I can think of feeling social pressure is that a thirty something single woman always being asked when or whom she is getting married.
Moreover, after one woman gets married, she is under pressure to be asked “Are you having a lovely baby yet?” hundreds of times. That’s social pressure, too.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Ten Years from Now...

We had a piece of assignment to write about "imagining yourself 10 years from now" in Yukari's class today.

Hm-hum. That was exactly the same question I was asked at the interview by Mrs. Yohena for the entrance exam in 2006.

I remember answering two things.

One was that I said "I will be ten years older from now for sure." (What a stupid answer!)
The other thing was that "I would like to be an interpreter in the future."

Well, well, well.
It's been already three years since I had that interview.
Do I still want to become an interpreter in seven years???

It was a really good opportunity to remember what I was willing to do in the future two years ago.
I thank Yukari for giving me the opportunity.

Yes, I would like to be a Japanese-English interpreter ten years from now.
The bottom line is that I would like to be studying English to become an interpreter.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

A loooong trip to Orlando

How is your vacation going?
As the summer break started, it is time for me to work to earn my tuition.

So that, here I am in a hotel room in Orlando, Florida.
I feel so lucky to be somewhere beautiful and sunny. I only wish I was here for the vacation but business. Oh well, still great 'though.

I would like to talk about how funny and hard it was to just get here from Japan.

A sunny morning of August 5th, I was at Narita Airpot.
Usually, we do so called "web-check in" before we go to the airport in order to reserve good seats. However, web-check in was not done due to the lazy JTB.
Unfortunately, the seats were fully booked except some seats in the middles..nobody likes them..

Anyways, I was easy on that situation because I knew I would fall asleep as soon as I take a seat because of my luck of sleep.

Then, our plane was delayed about long two hours due to the thunder lightning..
Worst thing was we were asked to board the plane and locked in one hour before it took off.
I was still easy because I was lucky one who kept sleeping.

After 12hours, we arrived at O'Hara Airport two hours later than the expected time. My body was pretty tired as usual after long flight. Then really bad situation had been happening.

Since Beijing Olympic is begging soon, the security at the airport was incredibly strict that it took one and half hours to just through the immigration. Each person was requested to take all finger prints.

We took another flight for Orlando as we are done with the immigration.
Another two and half hours of flight, my body was really tired.
I was happy to reach at our final destination until we found out that our luggage were missing.

It is another long story how I got them back. But I just tell you that I had to make at least 20 phone calls to get them back and it was really pathetic. I was technically extremely exhausted.

I was more than happy when my luggage came to my room.
My laptop computer was in it, too.

Oh well, I live.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Vocabulary List --FOOD!--

Rika( and I made vocabulary lists, Reading quizes, and Listening quizes reffering to FOOD in general.

Please take a look!

How food is cooked

boiled - cooked in boiling water

steamed - cooked over a saucepan of boiling water

fried / sauteed - cooked in oil in a frying pan

stir-fried - fried fast in hot oil

pan-fried - fried in a frying pan

roasted - cooked in oil in the oven

grilled - cooked under a grill

baked - cooked in the oven

stewed - cooked for a long time on a low heat

casseroled - cooked slowly in juices

Types of food
meat = lamb, pork or beef

poultry = chicken, turkey, goose, duck

game = rabbit, hare, partridge, pheasant

fish = salt water fish / sea fish, fresh water fish

seafood = prawns, shrimps, lobster, scallops, mussels, crab

For more wards, please check LEO Network, "Food Vocabulary"

Now, I would like you to try a reading activity. so please read the article and answer the question.


* 1 tablespoon olive oil
* 1/2 (4 pound) whole chicken, cut into 6 pieces
* 1/2 (2 pound) rabbit, cleaned and cut into pieces
* 1 head garlic, cloves separated and peeled
* 1 tomato, finely chopped
* 1 (15.5 ounce) can butter beans
* 1/2 (10 ounce) package frozen green peas
* 1/2 (10 ounce) package frozen green beans
* salt to taste
* 1 teaspoon mild paprika, or to taste
* 1 pinch saffron threads
* dried thyme to taste (optional)
* dried rosemary to taste (optional)
* 4 cups uncooked white rice, or as needed


1. Heat a **** pan over medium-high heat, and coat with olive oil. Add the chicken, rabbit and garlic; cook and stir until nicely browned. Move the browned meat to the sides of the pan, and add the tomato, butter beans, peas, and green beans. Season with paprika, and mix well.
2. Fill the **** pan almost to the top with water, measuring the water as you put it in. This is to help you to determine how much rice to add, as **** pans come in different sizes. Bring to a boil. Simmer for about 1 hour to make a nice broth.
3. Season with a generous amount of salt, and just enough saffron to make a nice yellow color. Season with thyme and rosemary if desired. The goal is to make a rich tasting broth that will soak into the rice to make it delicious. Stir in half as much rice as the amount of water in the pan. Cover, reduce heat to low, and simmer until all of the liquid has been absorbed, about 20 minutes.

COOK TIME 1 Hr 30 Min

What is this dish?

Hint: It is one of the traditional dishes of a certain country in Europe.
Here is a passionate country.
click this page;

Finally, a listening activity:
Please watch the video of "How to eat Sushi" and answer the fallowing questions.

(1)How old is the restaurant?
(2)Why we should not dip the rice in the soy sauce?

Good luck!!!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Teppan Edo

I would like to introduce my favorite Japanese restaurant in the US.
As many of you already know, I go to Orland, FL often.
Here are the information I wrote for so called "Trip Adviser" so that this information should be in public very soon!

Please take a look.

When ever I do research or read about food, I get really hungry!
I can't wait to eat Mongolian BBQ with my friends tonight.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

My Dream Trip (Final)

Where am I going? Italy
Why?: Because I have never been there and I lOVE Italian food.
When?: Off season(I will figure out when the off season is later,) that I expect to get discounts.
With who?: With my close girl friends who have been to Italy before.

1:20 pm Depart Tokyo (NRT)
Arrive Rome (FCO) 7:00 pm
Mon 1-Sep
Duration: 12hr 40mn
Alitalia Alitalia 785

Nonstop flight

Avobe is my Dream Trip's Flight Schedule :)!

The price for the round ticket is $1.796.

Because of my shoe string budget, which is $2.500, I decided to go on a "Y" class to Rome by direct flight by Alitalia Airline.

According to the "SKYTRAX", Alitalia is a three stars company.

For me, it is more important to go to my destination directly rather than making many stops on better class because it gives me more time to enjoy myself in the place I travel.

In my DREAM TRIP to Rome, I will be staying at the four star hotel, "Hotel Diocleziano" It costs 23,527 yen per night.

You can see one of the seven wonders of the world and learn about its most interesting facts.
It is stanning to see the huge buildings of ancient Rome.
Colosseum is one of the most famous stadium in the world where battles of gladiators and animals entertained the Romans and their Emperors.
Colosseum is truly picturesque and it is preserving pristine structure.
Imaging how the events were held in the arena of the Colloseum would be a good way of spending time there.

Also, Roman Forum and Palatine Hill are located closely. I got to see all those places.


"Pizzeria Leoncino" in Rome made me really want to go there.

According to the video, it has wide variety of pizza and you can choose as many toppings as you want... Sounds fabulous, doesn't it??

Especially, Pizza " the neapolitan", the most popular and classic kind, attracted me a loooooooooot.