Wednesday, August 6, 2008

A loooong trip to Orlando

How is your vacation going?
As the summer break started, it is time for me to work to earn my tuition.

So that, here I am in a hotel room in Orlando, Florida.
I feel so lucky to be somewhere beautiful and sunny. I only wish I was here for the vacation but business. Oh well, still great 'though.

I would like to talk about how funny and hard it was to just get here from Japan.

A sunny morning of August 5th, I was at Narita Airpot.
Usually, we do so called "web-check in" before we go to the airport in order to reserve good seats. However, web-check in was not done due to the lazy JTB.
Unfortunately, the seats were fully booked except some seats in the middles..nobody likes them..

Anyways, I was easy on that situation because I knew I would fall asleep as soon as I take a seat because of my luck of sleep.

Then, our plane was delayed about long two hours due to the thunder lightning..
Worst thing was we were asked to board the plane and locked in one hour before it took off.
I was still easy because I was lucky one who kept sleeping.

After 12hours, we arrived at O'Hara Airport two hours later than the expected time. My body was pretty tired as usual after long flight. Then really bad situation had been happening.

Since Beijing Olympic is begging soon, the security at the airport was incredibly strict that it took one and half hours to just through the immigration. Each person was requested to take all finger prints.

We took another flight for Orlando as we are done with the immigration.
Another two and half hours of flight, my body was really tired.
I was happy to reach at our final destination until we found out that our luggage were missing.

It is another long story how I got them back. But I just tell you that I had to make at least 20 phone calls to get them back and it was really pathetic. I was technically extremely exhausted.

I was more than happy when my luggage came to my room.
My laptop computer was in it, too.

Oh well, I live.

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