Sunday, December 9, 2007

Long time no see!

Thank you for requesting my new posts, friends. Yes, I have been tied up with many things. However, I have been very well, thank you!

Today, I was at the National Stadium in Tokyo for CWC (FIFA Club World Cup Japan 2007 presented by TOYOTA--what a long title it is!). At this time of the year, I feel that one year is olmost over... Time flys!

The gentleman having his thumb up is Japanese MC for the match. I enjoy working with him for CWC every year.

We had cute lunch today.

Anyways, keep your eyes on CWC this week and next week as our own Urawa Reds is playing!!

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Thank you

The first G-party was held in Wednesday, July 19th. It was the day we had been waiting for.

Great all-you-can-eat lunch along with unstoppable conversation.

Three and half hours passed so quickly. I loved spending time with them very very much.

VIP: Miho-M (Fabulous coordinator)

Best girly looking award: Misa

Outstanding singers: Mei. Risa, Mari U, and Hiromi

Hesitated to sing by stanning performance by girls above: Chi-chan

Cutest like a dall: Asaka

Sweetest like chocolate cake: Aiko

Ganken Champion: Haruna

Prize winner: Mei

Most happy girl at the moment: Hikaru

Natumi is on the way!!

Those who could not make it this time, you were missed a looooooooooot by everyone of participants. See you next time.

I thank everyone in G-class for being my friend more than wards can express.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

"Happy Gilmore"

Hi, G-class! We are almost done, hung in there!!

I watched the movie "Happy Gilmore" yesterday and I enjoyed watching it very much with 3 reasons.

First, the story was related Golf which I live for. It was very simple and easy to understand and pathetic. It is a typical American success story comedy. The movie is enjoyable for English learners except it swears too much..

Second, the main role, Happy Gilmore’s character is unique and lovable. He loses his mind so quickly but still looks innocent. The reason is his pureness that he cares about his grand mother very much and tries anything he can do to help her.

Third, this movie was the funniest golf comedies I ever saw. I laughed so hard that my dog Ai-chan got scared by my laughter and running around. I had a good time segregated from a lot of assignments and tests I had to accomplish.

For your tip, Adam Sandler was nominated for Worst Actor of Golden Raspberry Awards in 1996. I recommend watching this movie when you are tired and when you want to laugh for good.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007


Are we ready for having fun?

As Miho and Misako made an announcement after the class, we are having the class party on Wednesday July 18th. Yes!

The venue is called "Cruise Cruise". Please check the location with the website.

Make sure to be there at 1130 a.m. Our room is "Hong Kong".

The restaurant serves the best "all-you-can-eat" lunch in Yokohama.
It costs ¥2100 per person. We get ¥5240 discount for the private room.
There is free Karaoke in the room. I

Come hungry!

Risa will sing a song, Masumi will dance, Asaka will do "Billy", Haruna performs Lion King, and Aiko is going to propose a toast. What are you going to do??

I can't wait!

Monday, June 25, 2007

Well done!

It's bee such a long time sice I made my personal best score "96" in golf.

For first time in two years, I broke my best score, and it is now "90". Am I happy? In deed!! Yeah!

I met new people last weekend. You can see the pictures of them. They are so-called Kapalua fans. Kapalua is in the Maui island, Hawaii. It is well known as a lovely place to go for playing golf, or speding your holidays. Although I have never been to Kapalua before, stories they told me a lot about Kapalua made me really want to go there. I can't wait!

Thank you so much for having me in your Kapalua mania Tour, locomoco-san! I appreciate it very much!
See you in Kapalua sometime soon. I will catch up with you about "Hula Girl".

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Watermelon Fish in Toyokawa

This is a watermelon fish I discovered in the river in Toyokawa. They told me that it can be seen only in there once in a beautiful day. You can catch it if you are lucky..

Unfortunately, I wasn't lucky enough to catch it, but I got to eat a lot of food at the BBQ by the river with my favorite friends, Lacey and Chi-chan. Chi-chan joined us this morning and made our day!
Poor Chris had to stay at home because he was too sick to come. We missed him there. They play basketball with Chris in Japan. Everyone was so nice. We had a great time.

Lacey and Chris took me to the bowling last night. Believe it or not. ATTENTION! Ladies and gentlemen, especially people in Australia, I hereby declare that I had beaten Chris in the bowling game (^^). I think he was already not feeling well then though.. Lacey won the basketball game, Chris came second. I really think that Chris was already sick then. Chris won the air hooky.

I don't know what to say to express my feeling now. This weekend was so unusual and lovely that I will never forget. I can't believe Chris and Lacey are leaving Japan in 10 days for good.
It is hard to thank them enough for being special.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Go G-class!

(MOMO, my friends dog)
In April, I named my blog "Go G" because I am a crazy Giants fan. However, my blog name sounds more like rooting for our G-class. Everyone in G-class is great to be with. We are sharing a lot of memorable time together.

Let's plan something for fun before the summer break! We deserve it!!

By the way, I made a presentation with my favorite friend A-shi.

Our presentaion was about "Bulgaria". Look at her! Doesn't she look like a Bulgarian dall? So cute! Thank you for preparing the power point for the presentation, A-shi. It meant a lot to me.

Saturday, June 2, 2007

A sunny day in Omote-sando

June 1st is our holiday! I is the anniversary of the school founding. Yeah!

This year, it was sunny Friday, therefore, it was a perfect day to go to Omotesando. (Omote-sando Hiyori)

Gosh, I can't remember the last time I went out on weekdays except for school or work.

My lovely friend E-chan who lives 10 min. from Omote-sando joined me for lunch at Omote-sando Hills. We went to a Japanese restaurant called "Yasai-ya, Mei"

Doesn't it look healthy? Yes, the lunch was delicious!
I went to a hair salon just across the road from the Hills, back to the Hills and bought a Theory Suits then went to an esthetic salonPark Tower in Shiba-Koen afterwards.

It was a day of relaxing and spending(^^;

Life is beautiful!

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Motoya Pancake

It was a great sunny Saturday afternoon.

I went to take a late lunch with my friend L to Motoya Pancake L is an undiscovered genius of taking photos of food. Look at the picture above!

Their pancakes are so good that you can have them all! We ordered so-called "meal sets". L had spicy omelet with pancakes and I had Portuguese sausages with pancakes. Both of the sets were ¥1000 They were very filling. Thank you for being my company, L!

Ai-chan had nothing but water. Sorry././

It is just across the river from Motomachi shopping street. Why don't you stop by for pancakes when you go to Yamate Campus next time.

My brother joined us liitle after and we went to a wine place that Ls friends have. It was a good place, too. Ai-chan seemed happy and very hot to be out. She stayed over night with my brothers place.. She's not back yet....

I already miss you so much, Ai-chan.

Friday, May 25, 2007


This was the moment I had been waiting for.

Friday night, with your good friends, good food, long chatting to catch up... Could I ever want more?

ABE-chan Bekkan is the place you want to go for fresh Yakiton (grilled pork) and all kinds of Yakitori in Azabu-Juban.

I met my fabulous friends C-chan and T-chan first time in looooong time. I had so much fun with them tonight. I talked a lot, ate a lot and laughed a lot!

We worked for Miss International Pageant together three years ago. C-chan is a native English speaker while T-chan speaks perfect French. We shared a suite in the hotel in Tokyo for more than 10 days then. They are great to be with! I am sooo lucky to be their friends.

C-chan, I am always crossing my fingers for you and for me that your husband not to be transferred far from us.

T-chan, am looking forward to playing golf with you sometime very soon.

Have a great weekend,

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Futsal Championship Japan 2007...regretted!

AFC Futsal Championship was held in Osaka, Hyogo, Japan from May 13th to 19th.

This competition begun in 1999. The 9th championship was held in Osaka and Hyogo, Japan.

This competition consisted of 2 stages.
16 teams were divided into 4 groups.
At the group stage, each team played each other once, the top two teams per group proceeded to the quarterfinal stage transitioning to a Knock-out format. The remaining 4 teams were based in Osaka to compete in the semifinals stage, 3rd place play-off, and the Final match.
I went to Osaka on May 17th to do English MC at the venue as the competition proceeded to the knock out stage.
Japan had won the last championship, so that it was expected for them to win the competition 2times in a row..
The result was cruel.. The champions were IR Iran. They played far better than Japan I would have to admit.
Oh well, there is always another opportunity. The championship will be held in Thailand next year and it will be FIFA World Cup Qualifiers. We should keep rooting for them.
By the way, the last picture is my fabulous co-workers. They do the operations for major soccer matches held in Japan. Being enthusiastic, they work so hard for not only players but also supporters and everyone who involves in soccer. It is always my honor and pleasure to work with them. They never get tired to have fun as well..

Monday, May 14, 2007

Fuji International Speedway

It was a beautiful weekend by Mt. Fuji. I went to Fuji International Speedway to work for an event which contains many car races.
After school on Friday, I went to Gotenba by car. Next morning, I was staned by the big Mt. Fuji right in front of our hotel. Soo BIG! I wonder why Mt. Fuji is not a world heritage... Anyway, we headed to Fuji International Speedway.
As we reached the venue, we saw incredible sight. The pit was full of Ferraris and Maseratis. Even though I am not one of those people who live for cars, I was quite excited.
The races were breathtaking to watch. The most interesting point is this event is carried by a car dealer and participants are all it's customers; amateur people. Therefore, this event is just for people who love cars and they race by their own cars...
Japanese economy is becoming really well in certain way..
P.S. The girl who is in the pictures with me is lovely M-chan. She was very pretty and sweet like honey. Thank you for being helpfull, M-chan.

Monday, May 7, 2007


I learned how to put the pictures to the blog from web in the last class. Above is a picture of my "inspiring person" Ken Watanabe. It is amazing how far you can do.. Hope we remember many techniques we learn in the class. Making new posts will surely be a good exercise.

By the way, I went to the opening party of a nice restaurant with my friend L tonight. He got invitation and generously took me there. Thank you, L! I loved it! The place is called 57.

If you like New York style, this is the place you want to go with your friends. Strongly recommended to Sex and The City fans. Oh! of course drinking is not allowed to those who are under 20.

You can enjoy non-alcohol beverages there, too. For your information, I had a sip of shanpane and a glass of orange juice today. Still had a great time!

Thursday, May 3, 2007


I played golf in the rain. As a result, I am having a high fever now. My body feels very heavy, sluggish, and tired. My back sore!! Yuk..

On the other hand, it is a good opprtunity for me to lay down and relax. I should be better very soon.

Drinking warm honey ginger milk helps me to recover from sick.

I will write more posts when I am better.

I am gonna try to get some more sleep.*.*