Saturday, May 26, 2007

Motoya Pancake

It was a great sunny Saturday afternoon.

I went to take a late lunch with my friend L to Motoya Pancake L is an undiscovered genius of taking photos of food. Look at the picture above!

Their pancakes are so good that you can have them all! We ordered so-called "meal sets". L had spicy omelet with pancakes and I had Portuguese sausages with pancakes. Both of the sets were ¥1000 They were very filling. Thank you for being my company, L!

Ai-chan had nothing but water. Sorry././

It is just across the river from Motomachi shopping street. Why don't you stop by for pancakes when you go to Yamate Campus next time.

My brother joined us liitle after and we went to a wine place that Ls friends have. It was a good place, too. Ai-chan seemed happy and very hot to be out. She stayed over night with my brothers place.. She's not back yet....

I already miss you so much, Ai-chan.


JW said...

hi~i think your dog is very cute!^_^

y said...

I looked at the pictures.
It looks like delicious.
I want to go to the shop to eat lunch.

mari*U said...

It looks so delicious!The photo was takegn well.nice pictures!
But...Ai-chan didn'eat nothing except for water!?wow,maybe Ai-chan must be looking at you and lunch, and thinking "I want to eat,too",right?

Go G! said...

Let's go have luch at Motoya togethere sometimes.

Mari U>
Yeah, Ai-chan looked so sad... Not that bad though.
Let's play vadminton and go to Motoya together!